Java Decorator Design Pattern with Example

Introduction to Java Decorator Design

Java Decorator Design Pattern is used to add functionality and behavior dynamically to an object. Java Decorator Design Pattern doesn’t affect the behavior of other existing objects within the same class. This example makes a decorator class that wraps the first class and gives extra usefulness by watching out for class strategies signature. This happens at compile-time, and every one of the examples of that class gets the drawn-out conduct.

Fundamental points about Java Decorator Design

  • It is a primary example, which gives a covering to the current class.
  • Decorator designs permit a user to add new functionality to a current item without adjusting its structure.
  • Decorator designs don’t influence the original class.
  • Decorator design pattern uses abstract classes or interfaces with the arrangement to implement the wrapper.
  • It fits additional functionality by keeping the class methods’ signature unchanged.
  • It creates decorator classes, which cover the original class.
  • The decorator design is fundamentally practically like the chain of liability design.

Key points to remember 

  1. It is not difficult to keep up with and expand when the quantity of decisions is more.
  2. The decorator design is valuable in giving runtime alteration capacities and consequently more adaptable.
  3. The decorator design pattern is useful in providing runtime modification abilities and hence more flexible. It is easy to maintain and extend when the number of choices is more.
  4. The disadvantage of the decorator design pattern is that it uses plenty of similar kinds of objects (decorators)
  5. The decorator pattern is used a lot in Java IO classes, like FileReader, BufferedReader,etc.

Disadvantages to Java Decorator Design

  1. The disadvantage of the decorator design is that it utilizes a lot of comparative sorts of objects (decorators).
  2. The decorator design is involved a lot in Java IO classes, such as FileReader, BufferedReader, and many more.

Procedure of Java Decorator Design

  1. Make an interface.
  2. Make substantial classes carrying out a similar interface.
  3. Make a theoretical decorator class executing the above same interface.
  4. Make a substantial decorator class broadening the above conceptual decorator class.
  5. Presently utilize the substantial decorator class made above to beautify interface objects.
  6. Ultimately, confirm the result.

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